Sunday 15th November 2020 - The parable of the Talents and the third slave's power of passive resistance
Let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, my lord, God, and redeemer. The parable of the talents is one which I’ve always struggled with. We often hear sermons which interpret this to be about good money management and tithing to the church, or about our own individual talents and skills, or perhaps on the abundance of God’s love. And while there is merit in these, it is a story and when Jesus tells it, he offers no interpretation at all. The concern I have is for the fate of third slave, being cast into the darkness. So when we identify the slave owner as God in this parable, are we risking a toxic representation of the Divine? Now this is a strong statement to make but one of commentaries I read, recorded a conversation between the writer and her son. She stated her misgivings to which he said, “It sums up everything Christianity is about. I love it!” Baffled, she asked him what he "loved." “Oh, isn’t it obvious? I lov...