The masks we wear or Who is Jesus - part 2. Sermon for the Sunday before Lent. February 19th 2023.
Sunday, 19 February 2023 The Sunday next before Lent The Masks we Wear or Who is Jesus - part 2. Loving God, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, my lord, my God and redeemer. Amen. A modern icon of the Transfiguration by Alexander Ainetdinov When I was younger, not very long ago, I used to hear the term transfiguration, and would get very worried, because I thought it might be a maths problem and I’m really not very good at maths. So, perhaps the key to working out what the transfiguration is, in today’s Gospel, is to work out the formula and all shall be well. Perhaps it’s 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, or is that a different day? Or maybe the answer is totally different altogether. The transfiguration story begins as Jesus’ closest disciples follow him up the mountain and witness a change in his very ...